Supplies and Places to Eat
For any river trip there are supplies you might need to purchase near the river or right before you launch. While there are no outfitters or shops on the actual river (closest possibility is actually on the Willamette River at Sportcraft Landing), there are a number of outfitters and stores with river trip supplies, and myriad options for stocking food.
Supplies for river trips
- Clackamas River Outfitters https://clackamasriveroutfitters.com/
- eNRG Kayaking https://enrgkayaking.com/
- Sportsman’s Warehouse https://stores.sportsmans.com/sportsmans-warehouse/us/or/portland
- REI https://www.rei.com/
- Fishermen’s Marine & Outdoor in Oregon City https://fishermans-marine.com/·
Where to buy food for river trips
- Estacada (for Upper Clackamas Water Trail and McIver/Feldheimer sections of Lower CWT).
Harvest Market in Estacada https://www.harvestmarketstores.com/
- Barton Convenience Store – near Barton Park https://barton-store.edan.io/
- Sunnyside Corridor (near Carver and Riverside Parks)
- Clackamette, High Rocks, Cross, Dahl Beach Parks – Gladstone & Oregon City
Places to Eat
- Time Travelers Brewing https://www.timetravelers.beer/
- Granny’s Drive Thru (especially for their milkshakes) https://grannystogo.com/
- Lew’s Drive In https://lewsdrive-in.com/
- Hitchin Post Pizza https://hitchinpostpizza.com/#welcome
- Stone Cliff Inn (great views of Clackamas River) https://www.stonecliffinn.com/
- Carver Café https://carvercafe.godaddysites.com/
- Los Tercos Mexican Food Cart, 16318 OR-224, Damascus, OR 97089
Riverside/Gladstone Area:
- Hearty K-Bop (Korean Fried Chicken) https://heartykbop.com/
- Masala Box in Gladstone (Indian food), 150 W Arlington St, Gladstone, OR 97027
Oregon City:
- Corner 14 Food Carts https://www.corner14oc.com/
- The Hive Social (everything scratch made) https://www.thehivecatering.com/
- Mesa Fresca https://mesafrescaoc.com/
- Bistro Cubano https://bistrocubanopdx.com/
- Canard (fancier) https://www.canardrestaurant.com/